Finding and Using a Webgrader

If you are looking for a way to determine the health and visibility of your site at a glance, using a webgrader is often the best way to do just that. However, not every webgrader is alike in the algorithms used to calculate a final grade, so it does pay to understand this as you research the different available options as you evaluate your own web presence. As the name of these online tools might imply, a webgrader offers a letter grade such as those that are given out at school, generating grades from A to F.

Once you know what to expect from a webgrader and understand that not every such webgrader works in quite the same way, go ahead and search the web for webgrader reviews in general. Read over what others have had to say about the reliability of any webgrader that they have used in particular, and make a list of the most highly and consistently praised webgrader options available right now, according to your research. Once you have had a chance to do this, run your website URL through each webgrader in order to see what your grade is from each of these sites. Take a look at how your grade was weighted through each of these sites for best results, and take notes on how to improve your standing accordingly.

Combining the different webgrader results in this way can prove to help you polish your web presence in more ways than just one, offering you a better chance to reach more people overall if you implement a well thought out marketing plan according to the data provided. Run your site through each webgrader you find periodically, and refine your approach accordingly. With any luck, you should soon be at the top of your game!


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